Friday, March 8, 2013

Taking a Class I Teach

I enrolled in a MOOC (massive open online course) via Coursera. It's English Composition I, which is a class I usually teach. I plan to do all the work, but the reason I signed up is to get a better idea of how a composition class could be taught online. Here's the Coursera link -

Here's a video preview of the course - (also embedded below). It seems I share some of the same views as the instructor.

I'm kind of excited.

Now for a little background: I had signed up for another Coursera course, called Fundamentals of Teaching Online, but I've since unenrolled because I found some bad reviews online that turned me off. The course also had a start date of "to be determined" so I moved on. Now, I'm ready to see what all this MOOC stuff is about.

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